Saturday, 29 November 2008


.:; R.I.P Nana 23/02/1934 - 29/11/2008;:.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

happy bday eva diva!

Yep a happy 3rd Birthday to my little cousin eva the little deva XD hehe boy how fast the years go by with out you even realising it O_O and her older brother Kyle will be 5 in April... its seems only like it was yesterday I was holding whiel they were sleeping as babies and now they're in school O_O well eva will be in nursey in January but still...
how fast the years go by seriously, my mum was right the older you get the faster the years go by~ ... O_O;;

Thursday, 20 November 2008


I'm off on holiday as of Sunday XD a week away from work will definatly do me good XD so as of Sunday im gona be away, so I can work on my assingments in peace :3... And be with mine husbandu of course ^3^

Thursday, 6 November 2008

RICK ROLL biatches!

Never gona give you up!
Never gona let you down!
Never gona run around and desert you!
Never gona make you cry!
Never gona say goodbye!
Never gona tell a lie and hurt you!

Rick Astley best Act 2008!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

omg seriously

Seriously I am getting board with the internet, theres nothing to do and all i ever seem to do is either torrent the latest animes or just visit the following websites (facebook, deviantart, 4chan, youtube and bloggers). its just not the same any more :|... shamefully I admit I would spend all day on the net but now I hardly do now, its just boaring really =_=; good thing I've got other hobbies or things to do to keep me from goin insane.
-end rant-