Saturday, 24 May 2008

First year over

Well the first year is now offically over for university (when i hand in my last assignment) but never the less. Its been a good year to start off with at uni, made good frineds, learned new things (and remembered old as well Y_Y) but still its been great.

recently I got in to contact with my old form tutor from comprehensive, so we had a good long catch up on how things have been in life in general... its funny though because she hasnt changed one bit and the goes same for me (according to katie anyway). I might have an aprentership during the summer with her working in her art studios, which would be great considering i havnt been doing proper art work scince first year at college so it would be nice to do the apprentership :D

As for now im hoping for my work transfer to go through because it will be easier for me to work in town than in my parents town due to traveling all the time and lets face it the cost of petrol isnt cheap anymore now... ah well anyway next week summer holidays offically start for me yippie! bring on the beachs!, BBQ's! and fun fun fun!